The Goal: To create an interactive online experience for fans of the Canadian Metal band, Borealis. This project was a web and e-commerce project from the ground up, creating graphics, merchandise and a compelling clean website to promote the brand's image.
My Role:
Creating the entire Shopify experience, all graphics and merchandise drop-shipping logistics. Full UX, UI and Content Creation. Collaborated with Ken Fobert for SEO, SEM as well as Branding Direction.
All pre-existing album art and logos are property of their respective owners and artists.

Mockup: Desktop with Responsive Mobile
Compelling header image that is consistent with the band's current album
High Level Objectives:
1. To create a website for fans to purchase merchandise
2. To create a landing page where new fans can discover more about the band
3. To house critical information about tours, bio and how to get in touch with the band all in one place
4. To apply the design in a responsive layout for multiple devices

Showcasing the band's history visually through promotion of various albums they have released. This feature also allows fans to listen and purchase the album all from one place.
The Process:
1. Stakeholder Meeting and Buy-In of all band members
2. Preliminary Ideation, Sketch and Notes
3. Graphics Creation & Creative Direction Meeting
4. UX/UI with Shopify, and finding a theme. Review.
5. Testing the website under two colour schemes, providing research
6. Merchandise creation and stockist determinations. Review.
7. Testing the checkout process by purchasing sample orders from drop-shipping warehouse (self and user testing)
8. Check in and revision
9. Finalize domain name, SEO, Google Analytics, Maintenance Accounts, Third Party Applications for Productivity and Automation (collaborated with Ken Fobert)
10. Ownership transfer of Shopify site to primary band member (Fobert)
E-Commerce Setup & Information Architecture

Creating a fluid and concise architecture that promotes sales and ease of perusal
Product Design & Graphics Placement

Utilizing pre-existing album artwork and logo vectors to create device cases for a variety of sizes
Clothing Merchandise

Collaborating with album artwork artist to create print ready graphics for apparel
Challenges & Wrap-Up:
An initial challenge on this project was onboarding clients without a design or web background (minus the one band member who also works in tech) and creating an understanding of realistic deliverable as well as insight into how the process works. Initially, the buy-in was a challenge because of this, but after spending time showing the process and staying open to feedback, the clients seemed very happy with the outcome.
Note: Due to privacy and permissions, client meeting notes and internal data have been excluded from this case study. All other content posted in this case study has been used with written client permission.