This case study is protected under a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and is not available for public viewing. Permission has been given by the Intellectual Property Owner, d-flo Ltd, to share in private portfolio review to non-competitors.
Some deliverables may not be shown due to this agreement until after launch.
Client information has been redacted.
My Role
Primary User Experience Designer and User Interface Designer under the CEO, Colin Brimson.
In Norway, the landmass is hostile. Ships are used to ferry people in longer commuting routes instead of major highways and interstates. The coastline ferry service is currently funded by the Norwegian government, which recently allowed a new competitor into the controlled space.
Purpose & Project Scope:
The purpose of this design endeavour is to make a unique service and experience that provides an inspiring, user friendly experience to their online presence
The business model is divided into two segments:
Port to Port: A commuting service for locals who require an alternative to commuting by vehicle, or to commute longer distances.
Voyages: A premium tourist service to provide voyages and excursions to those looking to explore the rich landscape for leisure.
Key Words: Premium, simple, enriching, inspiring, responsive
Milestones & Deliverables:
Phase 1: Research
Conduct background research and understanding of the current platform, as well as offerings of other businesses similar to the client, in order to create a fuller understanding of the space.
Areas of Focus:
- Initial Research
- Competitor Analysis
- Relevant Industry Research
- User Personas & Profiling
Task: Heuristic Analysis of Current Website
Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the current interface by using design theory of Neilsen-Norman usability heuristics. The purpose of this is to dissect areas of re-utilization and improvement according to the user and client needs.
By walking the client through Don Norman and Jakob Nielsen's Usability Heuristics as a framework for my findings, I was able to create tangible feedback for them in order to create a foundation for the work moving forward. Taking this time allowed them to see what was working and what needed improvement with their existing interface.
Focus Point: Although buy-in was relatively easy since they were looking for a re-imagined experience, it was important to me that I provide an external review of their current solution in order to illustrate the value I can bring with a re-design.
Deliverable Samples:

Task: Direct Competitor Analysis
Understand the strengths and weaknesses of competitor interfaces directly related to the client and the space.
Deliverable Sample:

Task: Relevant Industry Research
Broaden the scope of research to international cruise lines and ferry services, as well as similar travel spaces such as airline and holiday booking sites.

Task: User Personas & Customer Profiling
Create a baseline of the wants and needs of users in their target clientele, using external research and client discovery.
Deliverable Samples:

Phase 2: Architecture
Develop improved architecture of pages and content in order to create a highly experiential user flow. By organizing the information according to research data and the user needs we can create a cohesive and sensible way to display information.
Areas of Focus:
- Information Architecture
- Web Wireframes
Task: Site Map
Create a sitemap with enhanced information architecture and page hierarchy.
Focus Point: The current online experience had an incredible amount of pages- too many to navigate in a reasonable amount of time, which raised the cost and timeline of the initial build, and did not benefit the user. This segment allowed me to hone in and create a sitemap of pages that created an efficient experience and reduce build time by better organizing content in fewer pages.
Task: User Flow Mapping
By articulating and streamlining the booking and inspirational flows, I was able to create multiple routes in which the user can navigate the website. With this plan in place, it allowed me to create wireframes that were consistent and logical.
Deliverable Sample:

Deliverable Samples: Interactive SiteMap

Task: Web & Mobile Wireframes
Creating wireframes with the new experience design and booking flow. By utilizing a mobile-first approach, I could enhance the responsiveness of the desktop site and focus on a streamlined experience for all devices.
Deliverable Samples: Process Work

Deliverable Sample: Wireframe Selects

Phase 3: Prototyping & Creative
Applying the branding and user interface elements to bring the experience to life on the visual level
Areas of Focus:
- Utilizing existing branding and creative strategy to create the User Interface and Visual Design Experience
- Create and deliver high-fidelity prototypes and mockups for client review and sign-off
Task: Creative Strategy
Since the client already had a creative strategy in place they wanted to stick with, I took the creative documentation and guidelines and applied it to the wireframes.
Focus Point: Some adjustments were made in order for me to create a design system that could be handed off to the development team and create a high level of consistency in the visuals. The client had fonts, typography and colours, however I enhanced their minimal design system into something more formidable and responsive.

Deliverable Samples: Design Fidelity Progression from Lo to Hifi

Task: High-Fidelity Prototypes and Mockups
The fine details stage of wiring up the high-fidelity prototypes allowed me to work with the CEO of d-flo to really magnify and perfect the details surrounding the experience. The client was then able to see a prototype of what the experience may look like when coded out, and this allowed them to feel confident about the inner and outer workings of the flow we designed.

Reflection & Lessons Learned
This has been my most ambitious project to date, and I genuinely enjoyed stepping into an entirely new problem space. By immersing myself in the travel user experience through research (and watching a lot of travel videos wishing I could do some real 'in the field' research) I was able to take on this project head first. However, there were lots of lessons along the way. One of which was refining my time management skills to be able to create such a large set of deliverables in a short amount of time. Working on this project has given me the confidence to pursue more detailed international contracts and has allowed me to see things from a global perspective beyond the borders of our land and our smartphones.